The Sermon: A Kingly Discourse

September 29, 2021

As the King holds court on His throne of judgement (Psalm 9), He is pleased to proclaim through His heralds his wondrous new mercies every Lord’s Day. (Lamentations 3:22-23) By eternal royal decree, His enemies are pardoned (Isaiah 55:7), and the chains of their slavery are broken forever. (Psalm 107:14) Just arrived from the slums outside, new citizens are washed, clothed with the King’s own robes, given a ring to wear, and sandals for their feet. (Luke 15)

Through the Spirit-empowered preaching of the Word (Isaiah 61:1-2), the citizens of the Kingdom are warmly welcomed by the King’s royal heralds into the great banquet hall. Here, there is a feast for the honored guests! There are many thankful bellies filled and satisfied to overflowing with the choicest of meat and drink. (John 6:55)

Others reject in disgust the King’s servants as they extend these platters of grace. They have tastebuds for cheap substitutes and arrive expecting to find the banquet table to suit their sugar-coated appetite for the delicacies found outside the Kingdom. (2 Timothy 4:3, Psalm 141:4) In this royal feast, God’s hand appears, and the writing is on the wall for the Belshazzar’s in the pews to see in dread. (Daniel 5) Hearts of reprobate pharaohs are hardened. (Exodus 9:12) Herod’s (Acts 12) and Nebuchadnezzars (Daniel 4) alike are fixed on their own vain position and refuse to boast in the Lord.

Oh, but the depths of grace and mercy lavished by the Host on His undeserving servants! His chosen citizens whom He showers with wedding gifts! Their feast is upon the riches of His Word from the storehouses of eternal grace! In the pilgrim’s warpath against the world, the flesh, and the devil (Ephesians 2), the King’s bannerman rallies the warriors of the church militant.

By the God-breathed written authority of the Captain (2 Timothy 3:16), he shouts to the men of Israel to take courage, face forward, and keep their eyes fixed on their banner that is Christ’s cross. (Song of Solomon 2:4) He points to the King who indeed rides with them in overwhelming power to conquer the enemy. The soldiers find ever-renewed strength, confidence, and boldness — even the assurance of a great salvation — in the awesome company of the Lord of Hosts. (Psalm 46:7) The herald’s loud shout from the rooftops proclaims that the battle is won by the Living God. He is faithful from generation to generation! (Psalm 100:5)


Post from Matthew WatsonMatt is a member at Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, South Carolina. A confessionally reformed and presbyterian church in the PCA.