From Rags to Riches in Union with Christ

June 03, 2022

This is a tantalized world always grabbing for the next “new” fading joy in an endless streak of instant gratification. Solomon gazed from his throne at his vast wealth — every possible human desire before his eyes — riches, fame, women. And he sighed. Consider how the king must have remembered the harp of his father’s heart tuned for the Lord in that moment. David sang of fullness of joy and pleasures lasting forever! Where was Solomon finding his joy? 

Ironically, this temporal-focused world is also driven by a conception of legacy that is not informed by the Word of God. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan – all stand remembered in the annals of history as great conquerors. But, look to their kingdoms. Today, travelers only find rubble. Dust collects on history books recording their names. Is this lasting joy? To be deemed “great” among dead men? 

All the fading joys of the world turn to ash in our mouth in comparison to Christ, who is named “Wonderful”. All the men deemed as great by historians shrink to oblivion in comparison to Christ our Conquerer. His is a Book worthy of reading! His is a song worthy of singing! Here we find God’s riches poured out for us – all in Christ. Christ takes us from rags to riches in union to Him.


Post from Matthew WatsonMatt is a member at Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, South Carolina. A confessionally reformed and presbyterian church in the PCA.