Your Name, O God, is Precious

June 12, 2022

Your Name, O God, is precious
your Word, most pure and true;
and who can tell your mercy,
except a heart made new?
For you, most Blessed Spirit, have shown to us your grace,
that in your holy presence
our lips should chant your praise.
With you, our lives are hidden, and
under your sweet gaze;
and we shall know your favor,
throughout all of our days.

At your works, we stand and marvel,
for you alone do good.
Your grace, O Christ, is more than the
finest drink or food;
for though our sins are many,
and Satan’s malice great,
your shoulders bear our burdens,
and carry all our weight.
Your voice is all our comfort,
your presence all our peace;
and death’s dark power has vanished,
subdued beneath your feet.

So who then shall we fear now,
with this God on our side?
Who laughs at kings most mighty
and scorns the devil’s pride!
To him our hearts are lifted,
and sealed by his own Name.
His oath is all sufficient!
His promise all our gain!
From Him, all this is given,
most hallowed be his Name!
To him be all the glory,
And evermore the fame!

Tune: Thaxed


Post from Maxwell KendallMax is a member at Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, South Carolina. A confessionally reformed and presbyterian church in the PCA.