Invoking the Saints? The Gift of the Trinity in Prayer

November 27, 2022

The communion of saints is a wonderful truth we confess. Here on earth, the church militant races her pilgrim path up to Zion following after her exalted Head while the church triumphant is there with the King of Glory. When we lift our voices as a local corporate body of believers, our voices join those praises of saints spread across the face of the earth as well as the saints and angels in heaven. All of this is possible because of one glorious fact: we have graciously entered through the veil of Christ’s flesh and are united inseparably to Him forever. One body. One Spirit. One hope. One Lord. One faith. One baptism. One God!

The communion of the saints is a gift through the everlasting love of the Father, the atoning blood & perfect righteousness of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, because of our union to Christ, God is over all of us and through all of us and in all of us.

Sadly, some have stumbled in their application of confessing the communion of saints. They say that the saints in heaven help us in bringing our prayers to God’s attention. While the saints in heaven do lift up their own prayers, and martyrs plead to Christ, “How long?”, they would be revolted at such a task to be a middle-man to Christ the ONE Mediator. They would assuredly have us ask ourselves this…what impotent help could a mere creature give that the omnipotent God loves to give His people in abundance in and of Himself?

In prayer, we have the indwelling Holy Spirit interceding and groaning with us in ways inexpressible. Drawing near in prayer, we have the Father’s great love ready to hear Jesus’ own voice advocating and praying for us!

Some ask for the saints in heaven to plead their own merit. Oh! Those in heaven who sing of Christ’s all-sufficient, unfading, non-expiring righteousness would so quickly rebuke such a request – quicker than the angel in the book of Revelation telling John not to bow at its feet. A so-called treasury of merit is filled to the brim with fools’ gold. Rome, away with this treasonous and corrupt bank that has confused and robbed masses of Christ! For there is no merit that could shout louder to the Father’s ears than Jesus’ own wounds pleading for us!

Some say the saints above have special graces and blessings to give to those below. What possible grace or blessing could surpass the riches already available in union with Christ? Christ Himself is the fount of all blessings. The Holy Spirit is a seal of God’s great love poured out into our hearts, constantly comforting and helping us.

Let us lift up our prayers rightly, knowing Christ ALWAYS lives to intercede for us!


Post from Matthew WatsonMatt is a member at Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, South Carolina. A confessionally reformed and presbyterian church in the PCA.